Thursday, October 3, 2013

Future Movie Update; Chronicle's of Narnia set to make 4th installment.


Are you a fan of the C. S. Lewis books that introduced a whole new world to us through the tales of Narnia?

If you can't remember, the stories created by C. S. Lewis are as follows in the order they were published;

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Horse and His Boy
The Magician's Nephew

The Last Battle

They begin by following four young children who were sent away from their war-embarked home to stay with a sort of "fosterer" and end up finding their way to Narnia.

Well, if you do not know the books than I am sure you have at least heard about the movies. Usually the cover of the DVD holds a large lion face on it representing King Aslan of Narnia.

Well, good news for the movie lovers, but bad news for the haters who want to see the franchise die like Aslan in the first movie.

The franchise has risen again! Much like Aslan also did in the first movie.

Although the first movie made a huge profit in both national and international box offices, the second and third movies didn't do as great on our side of the pond. However, with their international profit and the huge fan base that has been following and requesting another installment for a couple years now, the producers have finally decided to put the fourth book, The Silver Chair, into production.

The Silver Chair will center around two classmates. Eustace (some might remember him from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) and Jill, who when trying to escape the grasp of local school bullies, end up back in Narnia where King Aslan asks them both to find Prince Rillian who disappeared years ago.

My excitement? Well, I am overjoyed.. really.. stop looking at me that way.

Okay fine, if I want to see the movie I will more then likely rent it at the local movie store after it comes out on DVD, but as far as my dvd collection of the Chronicle's goes, I have watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a million and one times and I will watch it a million more. However, I don't even own the second two.

I highly recommend it for you children though. The colors, the characters and the graphics alone should keep them busy for hours and allow them to enjoy the world of Narnia as we all did in the books.

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