Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones.

And for my first review;

Alright, so I want to start this off by letting everyone know, Yes! I have read the book. In fact, I have read almost all of them save for the most recent that has come out and that is because it has been sold out nearly everywhere, including online. I love them dearly and I think I have come to know the characters very well. No, I have not hit the Infernal Devices series yet but  want to read those consecutively and without the Mortal Instruments series on my mind. Then, after the Infernal Devices I will be reading the series that Cassandra Clare is working on that comes after the Mortal Instruments series titled The Dark Artifices.

Okay, now that I have that admittance out of my system we can start on the movie.

First, let me say that I know how hard it is for people who read the books and love them to no end come in and see a movie made about their book. They can be harsh, judgmental and very brutal when it comes to casting, storyline, visual effects. However, I am one of those people who understand that the movie is BASED on the book, not the book itself. I do however, take solace in the fact that Cassandra Clare was pleased with the director and production managers rendition of the book. With that in mind, as a birthday present to myself, Derrick and I went to see the movie.

Casting; I loved it! Now yes, Lily Collins would not have been my first choice for Clary Fray because I pictured someone more red-headed since it says that she has fiery hair. But hey, Lily Collins did a pretty good job as Clary and she is a beautiful but modest person. And lets admit it, she rocks the dark, thick eyebrows. Wish I could get mine like her. I also admired the casting of Robert Sheehan as Simon; he pulled off the geeky best friend but still had that sort of sex appeal where you could understand why Clary might like him or have a chance of liking him eventually. Alec, let's face it, not entirely what I had in mind because I was thinking someone a little less muscled reguardless of Shadowhunter status but man, he is gorgeous. No wonder Magnus wants to hook up with him. (Very pleased with the Magnus and Valentine casting too by the way) Isabelle, well, I pictured her a little more sexy. I mean, don't get me wrong, Jemima West is beautiful but just NOT what I had in mind for Isabelle. Now for Jace. Oh dear god is it time for Jace. Bestill my heart, the decided to go with Jamie Campbell Bower. At first they were going to go with some actor named Alex Pettyfer. Now I do not know who that is off hand but I am sure he is a nice guy. I looked up a picture of him and yeah he's cute, but I did not see Jace in him and I do not think he would have been right for the role. When I saw and heard Jamie Bower as Jace, my heart sunk deep into my chest. He is, in my opinion, the very actor form of Jace Wayland. The accent, the looks, the 'I'm the most beautiful man on the universe but also the most self conscious" attitude. Perfect and that choice alone for an actor as the main lead role makes me want to go see the movie over and over and over and over and.. well, you get the idea. Haha.

Storyline; I think they followed the storyline pretty well for basing it off the book. I will have to re-read back over the book to see what they left out, but I am pretty sure it was a bit. The revealing, or plot, to make Jace and Clary believe they were related was okay but it was much more emotional in the book. I love at the end of the movie how Jace says he doesn't believe it, but in the book he is pretty damn distraught over the fact that he is having a Star Wars moment with his sister and that he loves her so much. Reguardless, they did good. I did recently hear that the second movie has been pushed back though because the script was not following the book at ALL, which they wanted to stick close to, but as sad as I am that they pushed it back, knowing that they will be making three movies cause they have contracts for three (later decided whether or not they want to make the rest since it was originally supposed to be a three book series) then I can wait and see a movie that took a bit longer to come out because they want to do the movies and books justice.

Visual Effects; I LOVED them. Okay, so the werewolves looked a little bit like the ones from Twilight, but what do you expect with CGI? Not that I am complaining, personally I am a Twilight book and movie fan. But the transformation of broken down building to cathedral-like Shadowhunter base was so beautiful, and the fighting scenes? Nice! I can not believe Jamie learned to actually do that front flip onto the table.

Mix of Serious and Comedy; It was perfect. The fighting met the male prospective, the romance met the female prospective and I think the comedy brought them both together. I cracked up when Jace flipped onto the table, stabbed his sword not only through the vampire but the table itself and the face he mad when he heard Clary and Simon scream from under the table where he was at? Priceless. Not to mention the sarcasm in the movie, mainly from Jace to Clary in the friction of her relationship with Simon. -Swoons-

Alright, enough of my ranting. Really though, I think that director Tarsem Singh did a wonderful job and I do hope they do a good job for the rest of the series.

Alrighty, rant over.. now I will leave you girls with a sexy image of Jamie Campbell Bower; whom by the way, has been in Sweeney Todd as Anthony also all three of the big Book to Movie Motion Pictures of our generation;
Harry Potter- Young Gellert Grindlewald
Twilight- Caius of the Volturi
City of Bones- Jace Wayland

Enjoy... <3

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