Thursday, September 12, 2013

Welcome One And All!

Welcome one and all
to my new blog,
Coyote's Commentary!

   I was recently introduced to one of my friend's blogs; Geeky Cat, and I must confess, I was most entertained and found myself reading through two and a half months of blogs she had made in one night just so I was caught up on all the details she had to offer. Not to mention her blog on gaming introduced me to a new game I wish to try, Dark Souls.

      While reading her blog, and thinking about the novel I have been writing lately, it made me think about starting my own blog. This one, however, about the hundreds of pieces I tend to watch a year; accumulating from shows, anime and movies. I always used to critique them on Facebook where I am an avid poster. Now though, I think I have found the reason for my blog.

Now, I have some reasons why you will have to bare with me;

      First, we do not have cable. We don't find it particularly needed except in the case of our favorite shows. Other times it is mainly just a waist of the extra money. So we, my fiancee Derrick and I, have joined the crowed of people who learn patience through Netflix. We might be a season behind everyone else but that does not mean that we do not have feelings on the shows we watch.

      Second, if you are the type of person who likes consistency than you are on the wrong blog, my new friends! I go back and forth between movies I find on Netflix, Anime's, Shows which are, like previously stated, probably one season behind what is actually on television, and then occasionally the new movies that come out in theatres. Not to mention I plan on extending the blog to occasionally games, books, music videos or new songs we come across, events in our area of Illinois, restaurants in our area we dine at and possibly more. I'll learn to make different pages for those of course... I hope.

      Finally, if you want a blogger who posts everyday, then I might also not be the one for you. I will however swear to all you faithful readers that I will blog as often as I can, whether it be at three in the morning or two in the afternoon. Who knows, I might even turn you onto a show you might want to see.

Spoiler Alert!
      You will get some. I can not promise details will not be given away on anything I watch. In fact, I will probably be giving away much. But, I will make it as informative and entertaining as possible! So stick with me and if you see me start to talk about something you are watching and have not yet gotten too, I would stop reading and wait for the next post to come out.

In return for this information, I hope to find some dedicated followers who will also join in with the critiquing of personal feelings towards things I post about. Remember, these are personal feelings and nothing personal to those who like or dislike something I write about so keep the comments clean and happy and we will get along great!

Call me Ashli, Ash or just The Coyote if you prefer.

Now, let's get started!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ash! I'm so glad you started this blog! None of my other friends really blog as avidly as I do, so it's nice to be able to read your opinions on these things. Anyway, I'm glad I get to help you out with your blog & work on the graphics!
